Mattia Jona La Portantina +39 02 8053315

(Rome 1634 - Florence, after 1712)

Pen and brown ink. Dedicated, signed and dated on the verso in pen and brown ink Al Sigr Nicola Sgrilli, Crescenzio Onofri dona l'anno 1707 decembre. 199 x 279 mm.
See here a full image of the verso with the dedication.
Another drawing by Onofri with a very similar inscription on the verso with dedication, signature and date, is kept at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (Accession Number: 63.222)

Landscape painter and successful engraver, Crescenzio Onofri was one of the closest pupils and assistant of Gaspard Dughet, with whom he collaborated on the canvases painted for the Throne Room of Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj in Rome. Onofri worked for about 20 years in Rome, participating in the decoration of the residences and palaces of the most illustrious Roman families. In addition to the Pamphilj, he worked for the Pallavicini, Rospigliosi and Colonna. The fresco decoration of four rooms in the Theodoli Palace in San Vito Romano, near Rome, was particularly successful. Later he moved to Florence (c. 1690) where he worked until his death for the court of the Grand Duke Cosimo III. Several paintings of him in the possession of the Florentine Galleries testify to his long period of service with the Medici.