Mattia Jona La Portantina +39 02 8053315

(Rome 1781 - 1835)

Watercolour. Signed, dated and located in pen bottom left Pinelli. P. (padre) fece 1830. Roma. Inscribed Pinelli on the verso.
164 x 193 mm.
As is known, in addition to being the most prolific illustrator of popular and picturesque Roman scenes, Pinelli was the first and greatest illustrator of brigands, who in his time were rampant in the Roman countryside, and of their adventurous adventures. He published several series of etchings, preceded by numerous drawings and watercolours. The artist understood the enormous iconographic significance of the theme, very attractive especially for foreign travelers, who had developed an idealized admiration for these banditi.

Pinelli was one of Ottocento Italy’s most popular draftsmen and illustrators. Living and working primarily in Rome, he studied at the Accademia di San Luca in Rome and at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Bologna. Pinelli was strongly influenced by Felice Giani's free and abstract figural style, as well as the landscapes of the German painter Franz Kaiserman and the foreign veduta painters of the monuments and ruins of Rome. He specialized in depictions of popular scenes, folklore and rustic tradition. A prolific etcher, Pinelli in his lifetime produced the volume of etchings, La Raccolta di Cinquanta Costumi Pittoreschi, and a visual popular history of the city, L’istoria Romana, based on Charles Rollin’s Histoire Romaine. In addition, he also illustrated editions of several classic texts.